clear bad energy, attract positive energy
Raw, Tumbled OR Crystal Amethyst
benefits cover mind, body & soul
- clears mind
- boost immune system
- encourages restful sleep & content rest
- promotes calm & clarity
- dispels negativity
- helps decision making
- protects mind from dark magic
Zodiac: Pisces, Virgo, Aquarius, Capricorn, Scorpio, Sagittarius
Element: Water, Air
Chakra: Third Eye, Crown
How to Cleanse Amethyst:
- run under water (natural water is best-stream or bottled spring water)
- run under water 1 minute
- bury stone in a bowl of uncooked brown rice, let sit 24 hours, discard rice
- bathe in natural light- set outside before nightfall & bring back in before 11 a.m.
- place stone directly onto Earth's surface, rinse water to remove dirt
- smudge with sage
- set out in light of full moon, bring inside early next morning
- missed the full moon?- put stone directly on earth, in a windowsill or wooden plate night before or after a full moon for best results