Hope Stone
Raw OR Tumbled Amazonite
soothe anxiety, brings clarity; dispel self-destructive thoughts
- boosts self-esteem, work against habits of self-neglect
- disperses negative energy
- promotes emotional & spiritual wellbeing- clear fear, judgment & seek truth
- healing energy for past trauma, helps filter mind of stress & anxiety
- effectively help body absorb calcium better
- help hair grow shiny & strong
- pick-me-up after illness, injury or change in physical health
- help with rashes/acne when rubbed on skin
- help balance thyroid problems
- encourages cell regeneration
- promotes intellect & intuition
- helps us understand our needs & emotions
- brings clarity & authenticity to the soul
Zodiac: Virgo, Aquarius
Element: Water
Chakra: Heart, Throat
How to Cleanse Amazonite:
- run under luke-warm water for a few minutes
- can also cleanse by smudging
- let dry naturally in sunlight for a few hours, directly outside so there is no glass between stone & sun