Stone of Amplification: Stone of Venus, the Sun & the Moon
- amplify energy
- highly stabilizing- keeps mind, body & spirit in tiptop shape
- helps keep organs detoxified & working well- especially the bladder & kidneys
- encourages healthy emotional intelligence
- highly cleansing- clear negative energy
- ups motivation levels
- sharpens mind, while keeping you balanced & serene
- helps body absorb calcium & break down calcification which can contribute to arthritis
- promotes healthy blood circulation
- encourages healthy immune system
- keeps strength & spirit growing
Zodiac: Cancer, Libra, Leo
Element: Earth, Fire, Air
Chakra: Root, Solar Plexus, Third Eye
How to Cleanse Calcite:
- run under spring water or tap water
- smudge using sage
- use moonlight, directly outside so there is no glass between stone & moon
- smudge to recharge