Stone of Sudden Inspiration, New Beginnings & Intuitive Knowing
- warm feminine energy; strengthens feminine intuition- especially in relationships
- inspire love, acceptance, calmness & passion even in times of stress
- helps understand emotions, teaches emotional intelligence- value of patience & an open heart, trust that things will work out
- support female issues- helps stabilize hormone levels, promote fertility, protect during pregnancy & childbirth
- supportive for people going through puberty- helps moderate emotional responses- especially soothing during PMS
- strengthen immune system, support digestive, skin or eye issues
Zodiac: Cancer, Libra, Scorpio, Pisces
Element: Wind
Chakra: Sacral, Third Eye, Crown
How to Cleanse Peach Moonstone:
- soak in water with sea salt at least overnight
- clean in clear water of a stream
- smudge using sage, palo santo or other smudge stick
- place in moonlight overnight, directly outside so there is no glass between stone & moon