Stone of Great Wisdom
Raw OR Tumbled Turquoise
cleansing & calm energy
- promotes peace & serenity
- brings good luck
- heals emotional wounds, helps shake free things that aren’t working for you
- gives strength, courage & calms mind
- encourages healthy communication with self & others
- helps heal throat issues- sore throat, respiratory issues, allergies, migraines, & other ailments of ears, nose, throat & lungs
- strengthening stone- full of anti-inflammatory properties
- can help with rheumatism & other issues
- boosts immune system- helps you to soak up nutrients, clears acidic anxiety- solve mood swings & rebalance body & soul
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Element: Air
Chakra: Throat
How to Cleanse Turquoise:
- cleanse with warm soapy water & soft bristled brush/toothbrush, rinse & dry thoroughly
- smudge with sage or other herbs
- leave in the moonlight overnight, directly outside, no glass between stone